Independent Hearing Clinic in Mansfield, Nottingham

We cater for all your hearing needs including earwax removal, hearing assessments, hearing aids, fine tuning, repairs and custom made ear protection.

Our services

Earwax removal.

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Hearing Assessments.

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Aftercare Ear protection.

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Hearing aids.

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Fine tuning.

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Why Choose Us?

Personalised care
We are dedicated to improving your hearing. We take time to understand your hearing, lifestyle and budget to find the right solution for you.

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Competitive pricing
As a small business we buy directly from hearing aid manufacturers, meaning we can often offer more competitive prices than the national brands.

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We’re an independent, family-owned business serving the local community. Our customers return to us because we truly care.

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Signs of Hearing Loss

Tired of asking people to repeat themselves? Struggling to hear conversation in noisy places? Frustrated with people mumbling? Annoyed that TV clarity is poor even when increasing the volume?

These are all signs that your hearing may not be quite as good as it used to be. If you answered yes to any of these questions, we recommend you book a hearing consultation at our Centre.

Book a visit with us

At OpenEars we listen, to help you hear.

We appreciate how frustrated you and your loved ones are becoming with communication breakdowns. We take the time to truly understand your needs and concerns, and provide specialist guidance on how to improve your hearing world.

Our professional Audiologists will help bridge the gap between hearing assessment, hearing aids, and life. We strive wholeheartedly to help you achieve clarity of hearing and are experts in complete hearing solutions.

Listen to Holly, founder of OpenEars, speak about what inspires her to provide the best care for her clients:
Our clinic

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Contact Details


Opening hours
Mon - Sun
24 Hours
hours can be arranged upon request
Vale View, Northfield Ave, Pleasley Vale, Mansfield, Notts. NG19 8SG